A Powerful Encounter with God

This story brings that scripture (Luke 9:48) from Part 1 of this blog to life in a very real way!  In August 2016 our family touched down in Australia for the first time.  We were met at the airport by the father of an amazing family who was serving the Lord in ministry while simultaneously contending in prayer and medically for their daughter, Avery, who was fighting child leukemia.

As soon as I met Aves I loved her like my  own daughter.  We were led to host an all night prayer watch at Flametree Baptist Church to intercede for her; joining a global prayer initiative that predated us and would continue on.

After numerous painful procedures such as bone marrow transplants and sleepless nights that even morphine couldn’t turn back the pain, our champion, little Avery, has beaten all of the odds through prayer and Jesus and today she is alive and cancer free!

But that’s only half of my story.  Recently we went for a brief hike on a DTS Staff Retreat.  The catch was that my knee had been hurt and I was seriously struggling to do the walk.  In the midst of pain and fatigue, I was walking back to the car along the path when suddenly my knee gave out.  The pain was sharp and instant and in a moment of weakness I succumbed to the flesh and allowed myself to get frustrated and upset.  I thought ‘I just can’t go any further.’

Avery’s reaches another precious year she was never promised!

Just as the enemy had begun to crack my defenses I was suddenly getting lapped by little Avery.  As she came up behind me she said “Hi Priya’s Dad, I want to walk with you and took my hand.”  Her father was right behind me.  He could see me limping and grimacing in pain as I struggled not only to keep my knee from giving out another time but also to hold her up so she didn’t scrape her knees when she would trip along the path.

Trying to help, her father said “Avery, why don’t you let Mr Timothy walk and you can hold my hand.”  She replied “I want to hold Priya’s Daddy’s hand”.

As we walked and I mustered the strength to be strong for her, suddenly the Spirit of God came over me and I was thinking about everything this young hero has been through.  I looked down at her in her good spirit with a big smile as we marched along the path and I just about lost it.  In my mind, suddenly my passing troubles were a far cry of what she’s overcome.  As I walked and tried with all of my strength to keep my composure, all I wanted to do was weep with joy as I held her hand, trying to hold her up in my depleted physical strength, while she truly held me up with the strength of her testimony and the power of her love.

I’m reminded that we are more than conquerors in Christ Jesus and that young lady is a beacon of strength that inspires even the aged in the Lord to reach deeper, go harder, and persevere through every trial with courage and strength in God!

I could never give back to her what she has given to me.  An inspiration to so many.  Used by God to renew my strength and help me rise above on wings as eagles.

Thanks to her impeccable timing, the enemy lost the upper hand and once more, the children of God were victorious.  I will never forget how little Aves turned back the enemies advance with her testimony and love!

We can all learn something from Avery about thankfulness and appreciating every beautiful day we enjoy on this earth.