I have learned over the past 40 years of my life, we have two choices we can make every day, especially in the area of our mind. Some of the stronger strongholds in my life in the past were fear & anxiety. Over time, I learned to renew my mind, especially after I almost died from Lyme disease years ago. I am so grateful for that reason, and that it took time for my healing, because had it not, I would not have renewed my mind, and thus no transformation. Over time, I had to learn to:

Demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ. 2 Corinthians 10:5

I had thoughts coming in regularly like “You are going to die, someone else with mother your children, look at how weak you’ve become, you will be sick forever…” The list went on and on. My mind was tormented day and night of different fearful thoughts, worst case scenarios, and a lot of anxiety. It affected my health and my life. An UN-renewed mind equals to an UN-transformed life. I am so grateful that the Lord brought this to the surface and gave me step by step instructions on how to overcome.

Jesus instructs:

 Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things. (Philippians 4:8)

Fast forward to today, I’ve been recently attacked by some physical ailments once again and again, thoughts were coming in of long term illness, and I realized the more I thought about it, the pain in my body seemed to get worse. I did what the bible says not to do, return to my vomit (Proverbs 26:11). And to top that, the pastor of the church we went to last week had a word of knowledge specifically for my ailment and prayed over me, it temporarily got better, and the next day, it was even worse. This is why I know it was an attack on my body and satan wanted me to be stuck in my head of how painful it was. Notice, the focus was turned to me, and not Christ. I was not fixing my eyes on things above, but instead on the earth (Colossians 3:2). I fed fear, and not faith. I didn’t obey Philippians 4:8, instead I fed a lie. I don’t ignore the pain or say it’s not there, but I don’t make it my focus, and meditate on the truth of the scriptures about His healing.

I wanted to write this situation for those who struggle with feeding a lie. It’s simple, Jesus came to give life and give it abundantly, and Satan comes to steal, kill and destroy (John 10:10). So, we filter our thoughts through those distinct words. Are we feeding life, or feeding death? Here are two thoughts I can have after a circumstance comes my way:

 But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed. (Isaiah 53:5)


I will have this ailment forever, I won’t be well enough to take care of my kids, I will always have this ailment, etc.

Jesus loves us so much, He gives us free will. It is my choice whether or not I get stuck in a lie, or if I decide to overcome by feeding life and the truth of God’s word. This can apply to anything in our lives, but it takes relationship with God and persistence. Do you think a wolf would go after a strong healthy deer, or a weak one? It was the same way with me for over a decade, I was weak in the area of my mind, so the devil had a field day with me and had me “stuck” for years of my life. Once he realized he didn’t have power over me in that area of my life, he started to leave me alone, because the lies would do the opposite, they would springboard me into God’s word and His truth. I am writing this to say, I fell recently in feeding fear, but this time it was only a day. I am repentant, and once again change direction and move forward. We need to live by faith and not fear, otherwise we will waste years of our life meditating on the wrong voice, instead of the truth of God’s word, being in complete obedience and submission in the area of our minds.

What’s your decision, to feed faith, or fear, today?