When your two-year old spills water on your laptop and fries it, it’s time to get a new one. Also, when you need it for a tv/online interview in a week, you need one fast. My husband is a researcher through and through. We wanted a laptop that would be good at making video’s and found out that we really needed a “gaming” laptop for that. Timothy researched on his phone for hours, also making trips to target, walmart and best buy. When searching, we found out that when we would find one that would fit the criteria, it was named after some greek god or something we didn’t agree with, like “zenbook”, “zephyrus”, “yoga”, “omen”, “legion”, “strix” (a bird of ill omen believed to suck the blood of young children). Our conviction was we didn’t want to buy one with a name like this which was going to make our purchase a lot harder. Finally, the day before my interview, at the last hour, Timothy finds one that think it would work perfectly for our situation. It’s located at a Best Buy an hour south of where we live and closing in a few hours. It’s an open box in excellent condition priced at $1100. Normally, this specific laptop is priced anywhere from $1600-$2000 brand new online.
We get there and head straight to the computer section. A lady looks in the desk of open box computers and it is no where to be found. I slightly panic because we just drove an hour to pick it up when it just said it was online. She starts getting other managers involved and looks in different spots in the store. Time goes by, and Timothy says to me, lets trust God. About twenty minutes later, she walks out with someone who said they found it behind tv’s in the warehouse. Why would this laptop be located there? I don’t know, but we are relieved as she takes it to the counter. She scans it in, and I see the price, and I show Timothy asking if its the right computer. He goes “yes honey, why don’t you nurse the baby?” The price was $818! So we basically got the computer discounted at 50%, $300 less than what we had anticipated! I get the hint and go to the car. Timothy tells the lady who found it the story and she was so excited and even got to speak some words of encouragement over her at the end. We also felt led to give her one of my books!
Timothy and I went over some situations that could have made the price lower, as sometimes we like to do in our human minds, but at the end of the day, it was a miracle, and God did it!