We wanted to provide this update on the night before we fly out for Africa.  We hope you enjoy the video!  We will only have limited internet use once a week in Africa but we’ll do our best to provide some updates as we go.  We love you all and please keep praying for us and for spiritual protection for our family and supernatural protection from sickness and other dangers as we go preach the good news.

Also, as a follow-up to our post about God’s miraculous provision of over $20,000, we have had many people approaching us about the story.  It has gone viral here at the YWAM base and many students who were in need of money grabbed ahold of the testimony as prophecy into their own situations of financial need.  We prayed over our class and now every single student has enough money to go on outreach.  There is also a School of Biblical Studies at the base where many students have been encouraged to believe for their own financial breakthroughs as well.  Also, the Pastor of a Church that partners with us to reach the nations has been inspired to take a big faith jump that’s been on his heart for a while.

We personally have a few funds left to raise for the last leg of our journey here, but we are very close and appreciate any and all support you can send.  Any additional money beyond our goals will support our continued mission work to the nations.  If you would like to help us reach the finish line, please check out:


We are currently praying for a team of monthly supporters to join with us to help reach the nations. Please ask the Lord how you can help us answer the commission to go make disciples of every nation! Now is the time to say yes to whatever He says to accomplish His purposes. You can make a huge impact simply by saying yes to joining our support team! I believe there is nothing more rewarding to invest His money in than the great commission. Everything else will rust and fade away.

We also want to make you aware of another opportunity that God has opened up as we’ve continued to say ‘Yes’ to Him…

In 2017, Timothy will be traveling with a small team to share the truth of the gospel with those in Asia.  You can check out our fundraising and more details for this initiative at:




Well, we hope you have enjoyed this update.  Soon you will be hearing wonderful testimonies of God’s love invading the nations of Uganda and Tanzania!

Until Every Soul is Won,

Timothy Jonali, Elijah and Priya (Family On A Mission)