by Timothy Bulsiewicz

“Let the little children come to Me, and do not hinder them! For the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.”   Matthew 19:14

God uses children to teach us all sorts of things about our faith.  They have so much to offer the body and I find that some of my greatest growth has come from parenting and watching children.  I have two amazing, inspiring stories to share and hopefully they will challenge your faith like they did mine!

The Secret of Radical Obedience

When our church here, Flametree, found out that we had just moved here and had nothing, they put out an email to the church.  As you might expect in a healthy, thriving church, there was an overwhelming response of generosity and love.  What I didn’t expect however was the challenging act of obedience demonstrated by one faithful young servant of the King and the way it rocked me…

Renee, arrived and said she had help.  Out jump a crew of children and young adults.  They each grab a heavy piece of bed frame and begin marching to my apartment.  After helping me with the two bed frames, we spoke for a minute and as they were leaving, Jess, a young adult from our church hands me a generous gift and tells me that as they pulled up to our apartment God spoke to her to give this to me.  I was so moved by this act and felt completely unworthy, but I recognize that when God speaks I cannot stand in the way of her blessing.  So I blessed her and I’m sure He will bless her far greater because she has already learned a spiritual truth that I’m just now learning 13 years into walking with the Lord.

I was reading a devotional this morning by Bob Sorge called Secrets of the Secret Place and the chapter title was “The Secret of Radical Obedience”.  He said hearing God must be linked with radical obedience, quoting James 1:22.

By “radical obedience,” I mean immediate obedience that fulfills the commandment to its fullest measure.  Radical obedience does not seek to comply to the minimal standards but pursues extravagant, lavish fulfillment.  If Jesus says, “Sell all,” then we sell all!  Immediately.  ~ Sorge

Worship as a Weapon

In establishing the prayer house at YWAM Sunny Coast we have aimed for a harp and bowl approach; bringing prayer and worship together in a harmonious mix.  Recently my children demonstrated the power of this principle first hand.

Priya learning from speaker at base fellowship

We were just stopping to grab something from the staff house we were temporarily living in and one of the kids lowered their window just as I shut the car off.  I run in and run back to the car and suddenly it won’t start for probably the 3rd or 4th time since getting back to Australia.  A storm was just beginning to hit and the rain started pouring into our car because I couldn’t close the window either.  Later that night we got it to start but the window still wouldn’t go up.  As I’m driving home, window open still, Elijah tells me to check it.  I ask why and he said he prayed.  I thought well I better honor his faith and at least try (such great faith on my part haha).  Nothing.  Then he say okay try it now.  I ask why and then realized I already knew the answer.  So I tried again and still nothing.  Then I start hearing both kids praying in the back for the window and they start screaming in joyful expectation for me to try it again!

That’s when I realized these kids were teaching me something about persevering prayer.  Suddenly my faith began to activate from theirs and I began praying with them and trying it again and again.

We went in the grocery store and as we were walking out, window still not working, Priya starts randomly singing “break every chain, break every chain, break every chain”.  I don’t think we’ve heard that song in months so it caught me completely off guard.  She was raising her hands worshipping to that song as we approached the car.  Stepping into the car the Holy Spirit this time leads me to try it again; stirred by her worship.

I don’t have to finish this story because you can guess the outcome when children of God worship and pray to their Daddy in heaven!

Hanging out with a giant slayer, Ravi Kendal from Father of Lights