Some people may believe in demons, some people don’t. I recommend anyone that doesn’t, to take a trip to Africa, and it will for sure change your mind. People can be captive by the demonic realm in first world countries also, but the demons don’t usually manifest like they do here in Africa. Almost every crusade (we’ve participated in about 20), there have been people who fall on the ground screaming, arching their back, and who have no control over their body. These demons can be strong;sometimes they need 4-6 men to hold them down (and its usually been women that have manifested demons).

Dancing with children

When we first got here, I started to pray and in my own strength, pray over these people by saying things like, “In Jesus name, I command you to get out, you have no power or authority over this person”. After 10 minutes, I would just grow weary and walk away. I pleaded with the Lord and asked Him why after doing this with a few people, nothing was happening. I asked Him, do I need to get more specific? What am I doing wrong? He gently spoke, “Jonali, love them, see them with My eyes, and don’t try to do it in your own strength, rely on My Holy Spirit to guide you in what to pray, also don’t give up, because it does take a while sometimes”. So the last crusade, I decided in my mind to pray while I pray for the woman, and not to leave until I see some breakthrough.

I felt led to walk over to a woman who had been manifesting for a while now. A few people in our group had been praying over her for a while. Because these crusades are usually loud with music, preaching, and of course the demonized person screaming, I figured I would start by saying truth directly into her ear. I started to say, “Jesus is Lord, demons, you have no power or authority, in Jesus name get out.” Every time I would say, “Jesus”, her back would curl and the demons would get more angry and she would manifest, its simply because they hate truth and can’t stand the name of Jesus. Now, a way you might be able to understand is if someone is uncomfortable in a christian setting, whether church, or someone talking to them about Jesus, or music. They might want to leave, start to bite their nails or not pay attention. Again, in the western world, its more subtle.

Goodbye to our amazing driver, Peter!

I paused for a few moments and waited until I got more clear direction, He started to say, “cast out the spirit of rebellion (anything where we rebel against God) and rejection (rejected by parents, family, friends)”. I had no idea why but did it anyway. Then He said, “start to repent on behalf of her family”. I started to see her calm down a bit and she wasn’t moving around and screaming anymore. I started to speak truth into her ear again, this time more calmly, “God loves you, He accepts you”. I probably said this over a dozen times. Her body became completely still. I prayed the peace of God over her mind, body and soul. The demons came out and she felt peace and the presence of God for the first time. When she stood up, I said, “Would you like to accept Jesus in your life”, she gladly said yes as she was free for the first time after being tormented for so long.

Later I found out that her parents were involved with witchcraft. The spirits that usually pass on from that are the spirits of rebellion and rejection. The fight (spiritual warfare)is real, powers and principalities are at work and sometimes we can be blind to powers at work against us.

“For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities and against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.” Eph 6:12

We need to ask God to open our eyes to see what we still need freedom from. For me, it was control, fear, anxiety and depression. He is more than willing to help us to be free. Freedom comes from obedience and surrender. It comes from fixing our eyes on Jesus Christ and receiving His love for us daily. It comes by a continual relationship with Him (not a one-time profession or just going to church).

I was so blown away by God and how just through relationship with Him, He can speak to us directly about a person we don’t know and use us to cast out demons. He loves them more than we do. Maybe this story freaks you out a bit, but your still moved. It doesn’t have to be casting out demons, but maybe simply going up to someone at the store and asking them if they need prayer for anything. God could very well speak to you about an illness, a hurt, or anything else about that person who you don’t know that would blow them away. God is in the business of setting people free, and if you believe in Him today, you can do it simply with a heart of love, obedience and faith. There’s nothing better in life than God using you to help heal a person whether its physical, mental, emotional or spiritual. If you’re not right with God, please reach out, I would love to pray with you. If you are, examine your heart, ask God to reveal things in you that are preventing you from having freedom, joy, peace, strength and love.

“Who the son sets free is free indeed!” Jn 8:36