We just completed our first week here in Uganda. Here are some highlights from the journey…

We are a team of 12: 7 Americans (including our two kids), 1 Canadian, 1 Norwegian, 1 Swiss, 1 German & 1 Australian.

Uganda has been absolutely amazing. The people are warm, loving, serving, selfless and joyful. Its been so humbling being here. Its been stretching for me as a mom because my kids are used to being on a pretty good meal/nap schedule and its been completely rocked here as the people are more laid back and things are pushed back by a few hours. The kids have been adjusting beautifully, its more me that has been stretched. When you struggle with being in control, Africa is the perfect way to let go and truly surrender everything to God.

It’s been one week and we had couple days to rest after a long pair of flights, but have been full on since. We have been teaching seminars, going door to door, performing skits and preaching the gospel at crusades, along with sharing our testimonies. Timothy and I have had the honor of preaching a sermon in church as well as sharing our testimony and preaching during the crusades. We saw over one hundred salvations last week as people are so open here and desperate for the life changing hope of Jesus Christ.

Teaching at a Church Plant

Teaching at a Church Plant


We’ve also seen many healings and deliverances. One girl I prayed for at a crusade had sores on her legs, the morning after I saw her and told she me Jesus started to close them up. I am blown away at the ease of sharing Gods love with people here. Last night two people Timothy prayed for testified of their healings on stage at the crusade. One had a severe, chronic headache for full week and tried everything and when nothing could help was told to visit his clan leaders to try to help him. Then he heard of the crusade and came in desperation. He ended up getting everything he came for and more. The headaches were healed and he began the life changing journey of following the Good Shepherd! The other had a pain in his stomach for one year that disappeared instantly at the name of Jesus. He fell to his knees on the stage giving glory to God for healing him! We join him in giving glory to God; for we can do nothing of our own. He rightly understood where to give the glory. For it is not by our own strength that one is healed, but by the mighty power of God and to Him we give all of the glory and honor and praise! Jesus is still the healer.

Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day and for ever.

Hebrews 13:8

Praying for the sick at Mubende crusade.

Praying for the sick at Mubende crusade.

Praise God! We have many more wonderful testimonies but just wanted to share a couple to encourage you! With all that God has done here already, it’s hard to believe His work here has only just begun.

We want to give a special thanks to every single person that sacrificed to make this trip possible. May you be richly rewarded here and in life eternal in paradise!

We would love prayer for divine health and protection for the team, finding a healthy balance between ministry & family, and a continual dying to self to see the move of God more. We only have internet about 15 minutes per week. We love all of you very much, may the God of hope fill you with His wonder!