by Timothy Bulsiewicz

One thing I’ve learned on this Brazil Trip with Global Awakening is that a man is only as good as his translator.  Fortunately I met a young man named Mateus who lived in the United States for a few years and speaks perfect english.  Less fortunately, he had already paired up with Ricky and he wasn’t going to give him up without a fight.  For a day I joked with Ricky that I was going to get him some nice gifts and try to get him to switch his allegiance.  We teased each other but eventually we negotiated a deal to share Mateus in our next meeting when it came time to minister to people.

As it turned out, the group split and we were scheduled to go to a different church last night so Mateus wouldn’t be there because he would be with the rest of the Global Awakening team at his home church which we were not going to.

At lunch Ricky blessed the food and then I followed it with a quick prayer with our team asking Jesus to somehow give us another Mateus, someone just like him to translate for us tonight.

We arrived at the church and the service begins.  When it came time for prayer ministry, translators provided by the church came forward to pair up with each of us.  I look next to me and Ricky is standing by my side.  A translator comes over and pairs with Ricky and another one with me.  Then I gave mine up to another team member.  Ricky offers to share his and who ends up being our translator?!  Somehow, don’t ask me how, we end up with a young lady that looks just like Mateus… and she should…she’s his sister, Ligia.  And if that’s not crazy enough, her english is amazing.  In fact, it turns out she’s actually a professional translator in like 3 or 4 different languages.

What are the chances that we go to a completely different church and a different part of town and Mateus’ sister just happens to go there, just happens to “randomly” get paired with Ricky, I “randomly” give up my translator and have to share with Ricky and she just “randomly” happens to be a professional translator with perfect english?!  God has a funny sense of humor.

You can read about the miracle working power of Jesus present that night here: Straight Out of Acts

Also, here is the testimony of Nair’s personal touch from the Lord