In Brazil we would ask the Holy Spirit for supernatural words of knowledge for healing specific to the people present.  I received a word of knowledge for someone who couldn’t raise their arms high.  I asked Holy Spirit for more and He showed me that they couldn’t raise either arm above the shoulder.  I asked what their gender was and he showed me a picture of a woman who looked like she was about the age of a mother.  I’m not great at telling ages or I would’ve guessed maybe 40s-50s.

Then as I was waiting for the microphone to share this word with the crowd, I felt prompted that one or both of the shoulders had failed rotator cuff surgeries causing the inability to raise the arms fully.

I shared the word of knowledge that “there is a woman, the age of a mother, who could not raise both arms above the shoulders due to failed rotator cuff surgeries on one or both sides.”

If someone hears their ailment they were supposed to stand up.  I thought I may have seen a woman stand but it was hard to tell because there were a few people already standing.  As I looked at her, she was looking back at me almost as to say “it’s me, it’s me” in excited anticipation of her coming healing!

Randy Clark told people to place their hands where they needed healing and began praying for everyone standing to be healed and specifically mentioned rotator cuffs to be healed in Jesus name.  Then he said test your bodies and if you’ve been healed wave your hands.

As he prayed I was so excited when I saw the scene captured below and later watched as this beautiful woman appeared to be crying as she waved her arms like victory flags waving over the conquered mountain of Satan’s affliction!

Touched by God

Indeed, Jesus is Lord and Victor over every sickness and every disease!  Glory to the Father through Jesus Christ and the moving of the Holy Spirit, our Counselor and Friend!