Recently, I woke up in the morning and opened the refrigerator.  It was, warm. Immediately, thoughts raced through my mind: How will we afford another one? I don’t have a truck to get one. Timothy’s finger has been bothering him so how will he get the old one out? Thankfully, our kind neighbor has given us access to his apartment next door so I was able to salvage some of the food. The Holy Spirit also reminded me that He furnished our entire apartment when we first moved to Australia, so why am I worried?

I went to meet another mom at a playground and she suggested that I ask the receptionist at church to send an email out about the fridge. After calling a repair company and realizing it was going to cost a few hundred to simply get a diagnosis, I complied. I was praying with another sister in Christ that afternoon about some of the areas of my heart, unbelief was shown to us.  She says, “You don’t believe that God has His best for you, do you?” I knew she nailed it and and I shrugged, “No, I don’t”. I proceeded to tell her that I have no problem believing scriptures like Jeremiah 29:11 (I know the plans I have for you, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and future) for myself but not for other people.  She explained to me this is almost a form of false pride because it can appear humble, but underneath it is sheer unbelief. I took a deep breath and realized how much I struggle receiving positive words from people and more importantly life-giving words from my heavenly Father.

After meeting with her and walking to my car, I find a few messages on my phone. One from our church and the other from a friend. Our friend says he’s found an old fridge on gumtree (a site like craigslist) and it’s only $50. I then call the church and the receptionist explains to me that a couple from the church wants to buy us a brand new one. I heard the Holy Spirit whisper, “Take the new one”, but I wanted to check with Timothy first. My missionary/poverty mindset was I needed to look into the cheaper one because why should we get a brand new one when we can get an old one for $50? Timothy also asked me to look into the old one but we called and found out that it didn’t work perfectly. We both looked at each other and although it didn’t make sense to us, we agreed to take the new one.  The couple (who we didn’t know) immediately went to the store, picked out a fridge and within 24 hours our old one was hauled away and new one was brought in. Needless to say it is stainless steel and the nicest fridge we have every both owned in our entire lives.  God speaks loudly sometimes and His timing is perfect. Just as I had a revelation that I don’t believe Gods’ best for me, He blessed us with the best.

However, as it is written: “What no eye has seen, what no ear has heard, and what no human mind has conceived” — the things God has prepared for those who love him– 1 Corinthians 2:9