Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.  Matthew 28:19

3 teams that are on outreach to be praying for:      

At a local coffee shop, someone asked what we are doing in here in Australia.   It’s amazing how just having an American accent can open up doors.  In a quick nutshell, I explained to them we train & disciple young adults from 1st world nations, and then send them into 3rd world nations to show off God’s unfathomable love.  I watched a handful of students get a complete 180 transformation by God in 3 months.  Anything from students becoming free from smoking & pornography to physical healing to emotional healing of sexual abuse and loss of parents. From witnessing a religious spirit turn into relationship and the prodigal son turn back to his father.  The miracles are endless.  When you travel to a foreign country, leaving friends and family and enter in an atmosphere of complete love and acceptance, there is so much power. Unhealthy mindsets are broken and the truth and power of God (and His word) wreck hearts, and then the transformation happens.

(India team working on gospel skit)

(making Indian chai for team India/Indonesia)

33 disciples and 6 staff just left to go on outreach to Uganda, South Africa, India, Thailand, Fiji & the Philippines.  They learn powerful skits that break language barriers and bring tears to eyes that are hopeless.  They preach the gospel with power, pray for the sick, do humanitarian work, talk and pray for those that are (sex) trafficked, love, cast out demons and so much more in the 2 months that they are gone.

Saying goodbye was emotional, yet so powerful knowing, the best is yet to come!!!