by Timothy Bulsiewicz

Well, last night left me quite speechless.  I think I’m still trying to process what happened.  We went to a smaller church of about 350 people with a small subset of our larger team.  Every indication was that it would be a fun night; The church never thought Global Awakening would come to their “small” church, but they were desperately seeking the presence of God that Randy Clark’s ministry has built a strong reputation of ushering in, so they fasted and prayed for 40 days asking God to open a door for this “small” church to be visited by Dr. Clark’s ministry, knowing he was coming to the area to minister in a much larger church.

What happened last night and the night before were the answer to this church’s desperate plea to the Father…

Dr. Kim Mass began speaking with a word of encouragement for some individuals in the church and over the church as a whole. but when she attempted to deliver her message for the night, the presence of God was so overwhelming in the room that she abruptly halted her message, aware of what God wanted to do.  We promptly abandoned the script for the night and went straight into blessing the youth and praying for the sick.  The glory of God came upon that small, desperate church as God began to touch one life after the next.  The following are recorded statistics for the evening:

  • 49 sovereign healings
  • 95 healings when team members prayed for the individual
  • 25 inner healings/deliverances
  • 2 people with metal in their body had it disappear
  • 2 tumors dissolved while being prayed for
  • 3 re-dedications to follow Christ
  • 1 first time salvation

Praying for healing

Watch the story of one of the people that was powerfully touched by the Lord in this meeting.

You can also find a funny testimony from the night here: God Orchestrates a Good Laugh