We apologize for how long this post was in the making and our website issues.  We actually wrote it three weeks ago but due to some technical difficulties with our website being down for a couple weeks, poor internet access and a very busy schedule, we’ve been unable to finish posting it until now.  We hope to update a number of posts soon to get caught up with the latest happenings in this amazing adventure.  Stay posted as we stay posting! Sorry, that was cheesy, I couldn’t resist. Enjoy!


If one were to let their mind process (or try to) traveling over 30 hours to the other side of the world with two children under five, anything but peace (shalom) would rule. It’s a beautiful thing when one scripture has been life changing for me lately, “Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is–his good, pleasing and perfect will.” (Romans 12:2)

Transformation in the mind is what leads to life transformation. 5 years ago I would have been in panic over “what if scenarios”.

A week before we were about to leave I posted on Facebook a picture saying goodbye to our dog.  The guy that helped introduce Timothy to the Lord in Kentucky, saw that post and knew how much Timothy loved his pets and was curious why we were leaving our dog.  We hadn’t talked since our wedding 9 years ago and he didn’t realize that we were going to become missionaries.  As he read our page and learned of our plans, he noticed we also were searching for someone to give us a ride to JFK.  As it turns out, Timothy’s long-time friend and mentor, Dan, now Pastors a church in Queens.  After hearing the news, he invited us to speak at his church the day that we were going to fly out and offered a ride to JFK.  At first I thought that would be too much but then after thinking about it I realized it would be a smart move because it would break up the trip and give us a chance to reconnect.  Driving from Albany to New York City on a Sunday, as we had originally planned, would have been hard because during the summer everyone is driving back to the city from their weekend retreats north of the city so driving to the city on a Saturday afternoon just worked out better anyway.


Our friend Dan was also a groomsman in our wedding, so it was very special to catch up with him after not seeing him for 9 years.  Timothy was so excited to be reunited with a man that gave him the greatest gift a man could ever give.  They talked and shared stories and their eternal connection was rekindled instantly as if time had never lapsed since their last meeting.

The drive from Dans house to JFK was only 20 minutes.  Checking in to JFK was also really easy and the lines were not bad at all which is great when you have a 2 and 4 year old. We boarded our first flight to LA around 6 p.m. which was a 6 hour flight I assumed that the kids were going to be very grouchy since our layover was in the middle of the night, however they were both enthralled by watching the airplanes and cargo cars with all the bright lights. We did have one meltdown but I tried not to let it affect me when everyone is staring at your 4 year old and you can’t get him to stop screaming.


Our connecting flight was delayed an hour because of an active shooter threat in the airport.  They came over the PA system and said there was an active shooter in the neighboring terminal.  At the same time, people around us were getting mixed messages over emergency text notifications saying it was in a different terminal.  We watched as police, ambulance and firetrucks raced past the window in front of us seemingly heading right near us.  Because of the confusion, the active shooter could have possibly even been in our terminal.  Again I could have let fear rule my mind, but I chose to pray and the threat was dealt with.  The pilot on our next flight said there was an actual shooting in the airport but the internet seemed to indicate it was some sort of event that didn’t actually involve a shooting.  We still don’t know what the real story was.


We boarded our next 16hr flight to Brisbane.  Thankfully, the kids slept for about half that and besides the many trips to the potty, the flight was actually somewhat relaxing.


Again customs was fast and easy upon arriving in Australia and our driver to the Sunshine Coast (who happens to be leading or school) was waiting for us there. The kids were definitely cranky the hour ride up but that’s not bad considering they were completely jet lagged.  1 hour of crankiness out of 30 really was nothing, praise God.