Deciding to quit a good job and make a major life change for our family to become missionaries was no easy task. Traveling to the other side of the world leaving everything behind was no walk in the park. Trusting God for $25,000 for our outreach fees for Africa within a week of departure, um, a little tricky. You might want to be sitting when you read this, but just make sure not to fall out of your seat!

A couple weeks ago, we had it on our heart to make the following video:

The 1,000 for 1,000 Challenge

It was a challenge to our friends to consider giving $1,000 towards reaching the people of Africa through dramas, praying for the sick, preaching the gospel to thousands, planting churches and visiting hospitals, jails and schools. We assumed the money would come in from our friends from the states while we were in Africa, a thousand here, a few hundred there, until that sum amounted to $25,000 over the course of a few months.

Last week, a YWAM staff mentioned some plan B options in case the money didn’t come in; that we had other options if we didn’t go to Africa to still be able to complete the school down the road. In my heart I didn’t feel peace about it and stood on the passage from Philippians 4:19 “And my God will meet all your needs according to the riches of His glory in Christ Jesus.” I also heard God say in prayer that He is a provider and will meet all our needs, and then a picture of me holding His hand as there were two mountains we were facing at the time (sickness & finances). I saw Him just flick the mountains out of the way with ease, the key was me holding onto His hand. I made the decision in my heart that we were still going. Meanwhile, Timothy was in prayer and felt strong peace that we were going to be able to go to Africa and there was to be no plan B’s.

A day later, we received an envelope from a missionary couple saying, “We accept the challenge” with $2,000 AUD enclosed. I was blown away. Let me just make this clear for those of you that might not understand. Missionaries raise support, their salary is based upon faith and people giving to the Lord’s cause. They said that they saw a picture, and that basically it was a drain being unplugged, and that God was going to use their money to unplug the drain for money to start to flow for us. Little did they know, that picture would come to pass only 5 days later.

Monday morning comes, the start of the last week of school before we leave for outreach Sunday. If we don’t come up with the ground fees immediately, we don’t go on outreach. There is a cafe in the church where the YWAM base is and students grab coffees from there all the time. Timothy and I don’t really use it ever just because of the lack of money we have. I had this tug on my heart to grab 2 drinks from the cafe for Timothy and I. Specifically the Holy Spirit said, “I want you to use these as celebration for the provision for Africa”. I kind of was surprised, but just obeyed. I handed the coffee to Timothy and said, “God told me to get these in celebration of the provision for our trip”. He said, “Did money come in?” I said, “No.”

As we sat in class, Timothy’s mind pondered whether we really needed to spend much needed resources on coffee (he didn’t know I used two gift cards another student gave us). As he prepared to drink his final sip, the Holy Spirit spoke to him and said “why are you thinking with a poverty mindset? What is the cost of a cup of coffee to Me (God)? Everything in this earth belongs to Me!” As the words sunk into Timothy’s heart, he suddenly realized his error in letting the enemy have a voice and with a new mindset he raised his cup and thought, “this is to celebrate the funds coming in to go to Africa!”

20161114_132841After lecture, we have lunch and our staff leader for outreach said she needed to talk to us. She handed us this letter:


We were in shock pretty much the rest of that day. Did I mention that this was given to us by a fellow missionary? $20,000, the entire amount by one person (who doesn’t have a salary)??? God is a God of miracles. He is Jehovah-jireh (The Lord Who Provides). We believe the word, over our circumstance. Faith is not easy sometimes, but when God surprises us, it just is another reason to fall to our knees. May we never lose our wonder.

We are now so close to raising the full target for this critical first phase of missions. If you would like to help us reach the finish line, please check out:


We are currently praying for a team of monthly supporters to join with us to help reach the nations. Please ask the Lord how you can help us answer the commission to go make disciples of every nation! Now is the time to say yes to whatever He says to accomplish His purposes. You can make a huge impact simply by saying yes to joining our support team! I believe there is nothing more rewarding to invest His money in than the great commission. Everything else will rust and fade away.

With His love,

Timothy & Jonali

PS – As we have said yes to God, He has opened amazing opportunities to make His name known. We will have a number of opportunities to pray about in the coming months and Timothy has already received confirmation on one opportunity that will have a massive impact in Asia in 2017. Any additional funds we’re able to raise beyond the needs for this trip will fund future mission work that we will be excited to share with you as we get further clarity from the Lord going forward. Hoping to see you in the spring!